Wednesday 13 April 2016

It's Been A While

It's been a while,
Since I saw your eyes
Crinkle when you smiled
Since your ruffled hair
Still made you look as stunning
as the sunlight.
Since the touch of your skin
made all the blood rush to my face.
And the warmth of your hug,
the warmest place.

It's been a while
Since you called my name out loud
Sung in a rather crass tone with the guitar
But it's still my favorite sound.
Since you tried
To be at your funniest
Cracked jokes no one would laugh on
To me, they've always been better than the rest.

It's been a while
Since you calmed my demons
Wiped away my tears
and shared my thoughts and dreams
Since I've sat with you
on a lonely rock somewhere
And talked about life
and for all of which, we were unprepared.

Since you last held my hand
our fingers intertwined
and clenched it tighter
whenever I felt like I was losing grip on life.
Since when our lips met
and all else in the world was forgotten
Since when out bodies melted into one,
and our souls, reunited again.

You see, this life, of which I haven't lived that much
Has taught me lessons, many of them
Quite valuable as such.
And one of those, I'd tell you here
Is that when you really want something
Anything, which makes you happy
Don't let it kill you,
Not until
You've become stronger.
And that, my love.
Is the life ahead
For you, for me.
For us.
And through it all,
The thick and thin
the long and short
the smooth and
the rough
of this
funny thing called 'Life'
One thing, you'll always find the same
Is me.
Standing tough.
For You, For Me.
For Us.

Thursday 5 February 2015

About you, today.

I’ve been thinking a lot 
About you today
Thinking about how amazing it will be 
When I finally get to see you
Once we can entwine our fingers
Once I can kiss you 
Once I can hold you so close
That you can hear how fast
You make my heart beat
I’ve been thinking a lot 
About the sounds
Of your voice
And how it speaks to my heart 
I’ve been thinking about your smile 
Oh how it makes me melt
I’ve been thinking about 
The little thing 
The 2am conversations 
The Good morning texts
The sweet words we exchange
I’ve been thinking a lot 
About you today
I just wanted you to know

Thursday 3 May 2012

A Free Bird Again

Woke up to the shining sun
An unknown feeling crept back in
And my body started throbbing with the pain within
Ignoring it all, I tried to move
For the new day, I wanted to dance, wanted to groove.
But alas! I couldn't even move an inch
As I remembered that feeling
Was because of my chained wings.
Those pearly white feathers were now coal black
All my hopes and happiness, right in front of me
Turned into ash.
The came at dusk to feed me something like pears
And those priceless pearls, got wasted as tears.
They said I was too vulnerable to let free
Yet so beautiful, so serene that the wanted me for keeps.
I was told, life would be beautiful here
Otherwise my chance of survival outside would be mere
It's better to die free
than captivated perching on a golden tree.
So with all the force that was left in me,
I broke the chains and flew away from their clutches
I flew on and on till it was dawn.
And sang happily on a tree
'Cause Ah! Finally I was free. 

Monday 26 March 2012


I look out from my window and all I can see is darkness
All I can hear is the silence
I look around to find a light shining through
But all that's visible is the blackness.

Just Yesterday, my world wasn't black
It was filled with colors, colors of life.
Yesterday nothing seemed so wrong
As I knew, everything that I was doing was right.

Befuddled and scared I try to run
Hoping to see, at least a bit of the bright sun.
But I am blocked, blocked by the dark shadows
While my conscience quietly starts to mourn.

I stop at once as the road has now ended
My life with the invisible light has now been bended.
So I collapse on the floor and curl up into a ball
Fearing to tackle the great fall.

And soon I got into deep sleep,
I am woken up by a loud scream
I get up with a jerk only to smile happily
As I realize that it was just a bad dream.


With me

As I stood here watching you walk away
My heart wept and I was covered with the shadows from that day,
When you held my hand and said, "I won't leave you ever."
I thought my life would now just get better.

I waited, waited for you to come back to me

Neglecting all the pain and sadness I knew I'd have to see.
I wept but told my heart that it's all going to be okay
That someday out of this we'll surely find our way.

Days passed like a snail about to race

My heart and me wept together as we remembered your face.
The way with which you used to smile with your eyes
I know I could not get it anywhere at any price.

How you'd lay beside me when I used to be down
Look into my eyes and act like a clown
I am lying there again
Waiting for you to pick me up
Bu..but you never came.

I remember how we used to fight for silly little things
Act like brother and sister, play all the games.
I guess this time the fight got big
Never thought that you'd ever leave me here for it.

Me and my heart are lying here waiting for you to come
For you to say everything which was left unsaid, undone.
But I think I'd have to wait for some more days.
'Cause well simply there's no other way.

Inside me there's pain anguish and rage..
And if you ever come back maybe I'll be able to end this page.
